Growers, Distillers & Suppliers of bulk & bottled Tea Tree oil Feature Illustration
The Paperbark Co. has established the first successful commercial tea tree plantation in the south west of Western Australia, producing premium grade tea tree oil.
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Body Mist

Company Profile

The Paperbark Co. is located in a belt of wetlands near Harvey, Western Australia. The property has many beautiful indigenous Melaleuca trees, which have a distinct white papery bark - it is from these trees that The Paperbark Co. derives its name.

The company is a family owned and operated business and has been established since 1997.

An increasingly diverse range of Australian trees and plants are being grown on the property, some of which have never been commercially grown and distilled before - these include West Australian Agonis fragrans for Fragonia(TM) oil and Melaleuca teretifolia for Honey Myrtle oil.

Although not claiming organic status, minimal sprays are used and only when essential.

Gentle, saturated steam distillation is used to produce 100% pure premium grade essential oils. Various hydrosols are also obtained from the distillation process.

The Paperbark Co. markets a range of essential oils and products in Australia and overseas.

Supply policy statement

The Paperbark Co. supplies retail products at wholesale prices for minimum quantity orders. No freight charges are applied within Australia, except for certain remote locations.

The Paperbark Co. also supplies both small bulk quantities of oils and hydrosols to Practitioners and Therapists, and larger bulk quantities, in particular of Australian Sandalwood oil, and Fragonia oil, to manufacturers.

The Paperbark Co. supplies some oils to selected distributors. Please call to discuss.

Links to supported companies:

Aromatherapy Retreats
For further details contact Robbi Zeck and Jim Llewellyn of Aroma Tours

Mark A Webb, Bush Sense, Australian Essential Oil's & Aromatic Compounds, Griffin Press, Adelaide.

Aromatic Kinesiology, with Robbi Zeck


All our oils and products are backed by a total assurance of quality. The oils are obtained from trees and plants grown and distilled on the property and are marketed under The Paperbark Co. label. In addition significant quantities of West Australian sandalwood, and lavender, although not grown on the property, are distilled by The Paperbark Co.

Tea Tree Oil Essential Oils

The oil is harvested and steam distilled annually from Melaleuca alternifolia, a small tree to 5m, which is indigenous to northern New South Wales.

The Paperbark Co. has established the first successful commercial tea tree plantation in the south west of Western Australia, producing premium grade tea tree oil.

The Paperbark Co. Tea Tree Oil exceeds Australian and International Standards for Melaleuca alternifolia oil. Terpinen-4-ol content is between 39 and 41% (ISO 4730 requires >30%), and 1,8-cineole is between 3 and 5% (ISO 4730 requires <15%). It is listed with the Therapeutic Goods Administration, a legal requirement prior to marketing as a therapeutic good in Australia.

Uniquely Australian, it is a safe, natural and effective antiseptic.

Used for minor cuts and wounds, bites, stings, abrasions, pimples and acne, gargle for sore throats, inhalant for nasal and sinus congestion, ulcers, cold sores, tinea and the list goes on!

Scientific research dating back to the 1920's and currently continuing confirms its antibacterial (antiseptic), antifungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Current research shows exciting results with cold sores - with the oil indicating a decrease in the duration and severity of the viral sores.

Long recognized for its healing properties, its use dates back to local aborigines, who, folklore has it, used the crushed leaves as a poultice for cuts and wounds.

Antimicrobial properties of tea tree oil were well recognized at the beginning of World War 2. Servicemen fighting in the tropics were given tea tree oil in their kits, prior to the discovery of the antibiotic "wonder" drugs.

In the 1970's, with a resurgence of interest in natural medicines, the first plantation of tea trees was established in northern NSW, its natural habitat.

Now used widely in Australia and numerous countries overseas.

The oil is marketed in Australia under The Paperbark Co. label, with TGA listing L:75680

Available in 25 ml bottles with larger quantities available to Practitioners and Therapists.

Honey Myrtle Oil Oils

A unique, newly released West Australian essential oil with a beautiful, light citral scent.

The oil is harvested and steam distilled from Melaleuca teretifolia (marsh honey myrtle), a small tree to 5m. It grows naturally on the property, at Harvey.

The Paperbark Co. has conducted research with Wollongbar University and a joint paper (I.A. Southwell, M.F. Russell, R. L. Smith, J.J. Brophy, and J. Day, Melaleuca teretifolia Chemovars: New Australian Sources of Citral and 1.8-Cineole. Journal of Essential Oil Research 2002, 14, in press.) has been written about this exciting new oil. The Paperbark Co. now has commercial plantings of this tree.

The oil has the highest citral (neral and geranial) content of all Melaleucas, and has significant perfumery and therapeutic potential.

Available in 15ml bottles with larger quantities available to Practitioners and Therapists

GCMS analysis is available.

The oil is also used in The Paperbark Co. Aromatherapy face and body mist range, where it combines beautifully with the steam distilled sandalwood hydrosol.

Australian Sandalwood Oil Oils

The Paperbark Co. steam distills sandalwood in its modern and efficient distillation facilities at Harvey.
Australian Sandalwood (Santalum spicatum) grows naturally in Western Australia.
The West Australian Forests Products Commission (FPC) manages the sustainable harvesting of sandalwood from West Australian forests.
The Paperbark Co. has a contract to purchase sandalwood from the FPC. In addition a significant quantity of arguably the best quality wood available in Australia is purchased privately from Androj Dutjahn Sandalwood, who are an Australian Indigenous group based in Wiluna in the north of the State.
The Paperbark Co. sandalwood oil is blended from various wood grades to produce two grades of oil. One is a stadard grade oil which conforms to the ISO WD standard (>15% alpha santalol), and the other is a high grade oil with an alpha santalol content >25%. A total of nearly 2000kg of oil will be produced during 2007/08.
The Paperbark Co. also produces sandalwood hydrosol, a beautifully fragrant byproduct from the distillation process, which is known to have therapeutic properties.
Sandalwood Oil is available in quantities from 25ml up to 50kg drums, and hydrosol from 1 litre up to 1000litre. Sandalwood oil is also available in 15ml retail bottles.
Specifications for both grades of oil, and Certificates of Analysis are available.
Fragonia Oil Oils

A unique, newly released West Australian oil exclusively grown and distilled by The Paperbark Co.
The oil is harvested and steam distilled from Agonis fragrans, a small shrub to 2.4m. It is found on the south coast of Western Australia. Recognised as 'coarse tea-tree' by the cut flower industry, it has only recently been given its common name, which reflects the fragrant nature of both the foliage and the extracted oil.
The Paperbark Co. is working closely with Dr Daniel Penoel to determine the clinical applications of this oil. International trials are underway, and data will be posted to this website as it becomes available.
The name Fragonia(TM) has been trademarked by The Paperbark Co., and all oil sold under this name conforms with the exacting constituents specification for the particular chemotype of Agonis fragrans selected and grown by The Paperbark Co.
Preliminary work on Fragonia(TM) oil indicates it has significant anti-microbial activity. Primary constituents of the oil are 1.8 cineole, alpha-pinene & linalool. It is an extremely balanced oil, with the oxides (cineole), monoterpenes (alpha-pinene) and monoterpenols (linalol and others) in near perfect 1:1:1 ratio.
The odour is described as "a pleasant fresh cineolic odour with a hint of a citrus note (which becomes more pronounced after a few minutes)mixed with a slight spicy cinnamon tonality and sweet balsamic undertones. The dry down is very faint being sweet, soapy and woody balsamic." (copyright Tony Burfield 2004).
The oil is available in 25ml through to 50kg drums, and in 15ml retail bottles.
GCMS analysis is available.
Rosalina Oil Oils

The oil is harvested and steam distilled from Melaleuca ericifolia (rosalina or lavender tea tree), a small tree to 6m.
Recognised world wide for its therapeutic properties, it is an excellent oil for upper respiratory tract congestion and infection, particularly in small children. It is a gentle expectorant with anti-infectious properties. Topical uses include acne, boils, tinea, and herpes. It is rapidly absorbed through the skin and nasal mucosa.
The major constituent linalool is known to be a good antiseptic, spasmolytic and anticonvulsant. (Webb,2000). The Paperbark Co. rosalina oil is high (greater than 50%) in linalool.
Rosalina has a gentle, floral scent, ideal for use in a 'burner'. Its calming and relaxing properties make it ideal for sleep and stress disorders.
The oil is available in 15ml bottles with larger quantities available to Practitioners and Therapists.
GCMS analysis is available.
Lavender Oil Oils

Recognised world wide in the fragrance and perfume industry for its distinctive floral scent.
The oil is steam distilled by The Paperbark Co. from Lavendula x intermedia grown by 'Namastey' at Collie, Western Australia.
Although not a 'true' Australian essential oil, it combines well with many of the Australian oils. Used with antimicrobial tea tree oil, its anaesthetic properties make it ideal for minor burns.
Lavender is also recognised for its antibacterial, antifungal, antihistamine and antiviral properties.
Like Rosalina, Lavender contains linalool, the most likely active component to produce calming and relaxing effects. An excellent 'burner' oil.
The oil is available in 15ml bottles with larger quantities available to Practitioners and Therapists.
GCMS analysis is available.
The oil is also used in The Paperbark Co. Aromatherapy face and body mist range, where it combines beautifully with the steam distilled sandalwood hydrosol.
Lemon Scented Tea Tree Oil Oils

The oil is harvested and steam distilled from Leptospermum petersonii (lemon tea tree), a small shrub to 4m.
Therapeutic properties of its constituents include anti-infectious, anti-viral, anti-septic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, digestive stimulant - recommended for the treatment of oily skin and acne as well as for use in natural insect repellants. It is a wonderful air cleanser, and has the ability to destroy moulds, fungi, bacteria and probably viruses.
Used in a vaporiser, it diffused the air with a light, lemon scent.
First harvest of The Paperbark Co. lemon scented tea tree oil will be in late 2003
The oil is available in 15ml bottles with larger quantities available to Practitioners and Therapists.
GCMS analysis will be available.

Our beautiful range of face & body mists use only pure and natural essential oils. For the purest possible result, the oils are gently steam distilled by The Paperbark Co. from a variety of mostly Australian flora, some of which are quite rare.

Our premium oils are then suspended in a unique hydrosol produced by steam distillation of Western Australian sandalwood. Sandalwood hydrosol has been described by some as being 'topically exceptional in skin care'. We do not use alcohol in our products.

Sprayed liberally over the face and body, the lightly scented mists refresh, add moisture and cool the skin.

The mists can also be used to diffuse the fresh fragrances of nature throughout your rooms and cars. They are excellent room fresheners and deodorises.

Fragrant Agonis Body Mist

Our Fragrant Agonis Mist combines two pure Western Australian essential oils suspended in a sandalwood hydrosol. This subtle scented natural mist captures the very essence of the Australian bush. Rare fragrant agonis and soft, woody sandalwood oils cleanse and refresh your skin and enhance the ambience of your home. Fragrant agonis and sandalwood are indigenous to Western Australia.


Honey Myrtle Body Mist

Honey Myrtle Mist combines the light, invigorating citral top notes of the newly released Honey Myrtle oil with the woody undertones of West Australian Sandalwood. These oils are suspended in a sandalwood hydrosol to produce a wonderfully refreshing and hydrating natural mist for your face, body and home. Honey myrtle and sandalwood are indigenous to Western Australia.


Lavender Body Mist

Lavender Mist combines the soft aroma of lavender with hints of warm, woody sandalwood. The oils are suspended in a sandalwood hydrosol to produce a beautiful natural mist to freshen and hydrate your skin. Both lavender and sandalwood oils have long been valued and used in aromatherapy for their calming and restorative properties. Sandalwood is indigenous to Western Australia and our lavender is locally grown.

calming / hydrating



Hydrosols are produced during the steam distillation process used to extract essential oils from the plant biomass.

Essential oils are largely water insoluble and it is this characteristic that allows them to be separated from the condensed vapours during the steam distillation process. However, a small fraction of water-soluble essential oil compounds actually remain in the distillation water. This water is known as the hydrosol. It has also been known as floral or herb water and used extensively for many years.

Hydrosols are being more widely used and accepted for their therapeutic uses and properties. Hydrsols are very gentle and soothing on the skin and because of their chemistry have few if any contraindications. This makes them ideal for patients who have severely compromised immunity, or the elderly and very young (Webb,2000).

The Paperbark Co. collects and bulk stores the hydrosols produced during the steam distillation of all its oils. There is no further processing. The hydosols are available in 1, 5 and 20 litre containers, primarily for use by Therapists and Practitioners. PH and date of distillation of each hydrosol are noted.

The Paperbark Co. has GCMS data available for several of the hydrosols and is conducting ongoing research into application and uses. This information will be published as it becomes available. The Paperbark Co. acknowledges Mark Webb's book 'Bush Sense - Australian Essential Oils & Aromatic Compounds' which describes in detail the potential uses of some of these hydrosols.

Our range of Hydrosols

 Tea Tree Hydrosol
The hydrosol is produced during the steam distillation of Melaleuca alternifolia for tea tree oil. It has a slightly medicinal smell with spicy overtones. It is extremely good used as a topical and internal antiseptic. Ideal for gargling and applied to the skin for cuts and grazes. It is excellent added to the bathwater. Its pH at time of distillation is typically 3.5.
 Honey Myrtle Hydrosol
The hydrosol is produced during the steam distillation of Melaleuca ericifolia for rosalina oil. It has a refreshingly light, citral aroma with great potential for skin care, therapeutic use and household cleaning applications. Its pH at time of distillation is typically 3.7.
 Australia Sandalwood Hydrosol
The hydrosol is produced during the steam distillation of Santalum spicatum for Australian sandalwood oil. The Paperbark Co. is the first to produce this Australian sandalwood hydrosol, It has a beautiful soft, dry aroma with great potential for skin care and therapeutic applications, and as a carrier for other oils. Its pH at time of distillation is typically 3.5.

 Fragonia Hydrosol
The hydrsol is produced during the steam distillation of Agonis fragrans for Fragonia oil. This site will be updated as data from clinical trials becomes available.

 Rosalina Hydrosol
The hydrosol is produced during the steam distillation of Melaleuca ericifolia for rosalina oil and has a warm smooth aroma. It is an ideal skin cleanser for normal skin types, being slightly astringent. It is great for cuts, grazes and particularly insect bites where it has a slight analgesic effect. It has a pleasant taste and makes a wonderful gargle for bad breath. It also has applications with respiratory and gastro-intestinal tract infections and is an ideal non-irritant douche for vaginitis and thrush. As a spray disinfectant for wound care, it is gentle and non-irritant. Its pH at time of distillation is typically 3.7.
 Lavender Hydrosol
The hydrosol is produced during the steam distillation of Lavendula x intermedia (super) for lavender oil. It has a very recognisable sweet, floral aroma. It has great potential for skin care applications. Its pH at time of distillation is typically 3.9.
 Lemon Scented Tea Tree Hydrosol
The hydrosol is produced during the steam distillation of Leptospermum petersonii for lemon scented tea tree oil.